
Perkkoonkatu 9, 33850 Tampere


Opening hours


10.2.2025 Mon 08:30-16:00
11.2.2025 Tue 08:30-16:00
12.2.2025 Wed 08:30-16:00
13.2.2025 Thu 08:30-16:00
14.2.2025 Fri 08:30-16:00
17.2.2025 Mon 08:30-16:00
18.2.2025 Tue 08:30-16:00

Asema suljettu lounastauon ajan 12:00-12:30

Inspection services

Vehicles that are inspected

  • Cars, vans and quadricycles
  • Heavy vehicles
  • Large cars
  • Low trailers
  • Semiheavy vehicles
  • Trailers

Inspection services

  • Modification & registration inspection (max 3500 kg)
  • Modification & registration inspection (over 3500 kg)
  • Periodic inspection (max 3500 kg)
  • Periodic inspection (over 3500 kg)

Cheaper “Etuaika” timeslots for inspection!
We offer cheaper vehicle inspection “Etuaika” timeslots for cars and vans for customers who book an appointment online. These times must be booked and paid for in advance online.

Cheaper Etuaika -times