A smiling A-Katsastus inspector.
Vehicle inspection and registration advice is provided at service points.

You can visit our service points for advice

The professionals at A-Katsastus and Ajovarma will be happy to assist you! Registration and vehicle inspection counselling is only available at the service points that provide these services. Advice is not given by telephone or e-mail, but only on-site at inspection stations. You’re very welcome to ask any questions you might have. You can find the address of the nearest service point by using the service point search.

Search for nearest service point
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Frequently asked questions

You could also find the answer to your question on the frequently asked questions page.

 Frequently asked questions

Helpful videos from A-Katsastus

On A-Katsastus’s YouTube channel, you can find informational videos covering, among other things, various inspection and registration matters. (Videos are in Finnish.)

A-Katsastus (YouTube)